停止屠殺巴勒斯坦人民 強烈譴責美國以色列暴行
以色列軍隊於5月14日(星期一), 向加沙數千名巴勒斯坦示威者開槍,暴力鎮壓示威群眾,造成近60人死亡,過千人受傷。根據加沙走廊衛生部的資料,死者中包括年僅14和16歲的青年,而這場衝突有1113人受傷,其中約30人處於命危狀態,超過70人身受重傷,當中包括新聞記者。這是2014年以來加沙走廊死傷最慘重的情況。
5月15日是巴勒斯坦國「災難日」(Nakba Day)。這是紀念以色列1948年宣布建國後,約70萬名巴勒斯坦人被迫離開家園、流離失所。巴勒斯坦人民在法西斯壓迫統治和非法佔領下遭受了長時間的痛苦。巴勒斯坦人面對惡劣的處境、被奪去土地及家園、人權被侵犯,經濟被封鎖,根本無法過有尊嚴的生活。
適逢今年是以色列建國70周年,巴勒斯坦人從3月30日起在加沙走廊進行為期6周的「返鄉大遊行」(March of Return)。 每周都有大批居民到以色列邊境示威。美國在這天搬遷大使館到耶路撒冷,承認耶路撒冷是以色列首都,完全是挑釁性的行為。可是,以色列卻扭曲事實,指控巴勒斯坦激進組織「哈瑪斯」(Hamas)意圖藉由示威發動攻擊。
事實是, 美國一直向以色列提供大量軍事援助,又削減聯合國巴勒斯坦難民救濟機構的資金。最近美國更違反聯合國決議,宣布耶路撒冷為以色列首都,有如在巴勒斯坦人的傷口上撒鹽。 長久以來, 以色列在美國為首的西方國家撐腰下侵佔巴勒斯坦土地。我們相信,美國要為這場屠殺負責。
我們相信,巴勒斯坦人民有權捍衛自己的生存權利和尊嚴。他們有權奪回被奪走的土地,有權爭取一個沒有暴力、 沒有法西斯主義和沒有不公的社會。
我們支持和聲援巴勒斯坦人民,肯定他們公正合理的抵抗和對解放的要求 !我們相信,在以色列猶太復國主義政府被趕出巴勒斯坦領土之前,巴勒斯坦及其人民不會得到有任何正義。因此,以色列猶太復國主義政府、其軍隊以及背後的美帝國勢力要爲他們的罪行受到懲罰,才可讓巴勒斯坦人民得到公道。
2018年5月17 日
Stop Killing Palestinians!
End the Illegal Israeli Occupation of Palestine!
Statement of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle Hong Kong and Macau on the May 14 Attacks by Israeli Forces on Palestinians in Gaza
15 May 2018
Hong Kong SAR
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle Hong Kong and Macau (ILPS-HKM) condemns in the strongest possible terms the genocide that the US-backed Israeli Zionist government continues to commit against the Palestinian people.
On Monday, 14 May, Israeli military troops indiscriminately open-fired at the thousands-strong Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza. Reports to date number around 55 people killed and hundreds injured. Many of those killed were young people, nine of whom were 20 years old and below.
The Palestinians are collectively expressing their indignation over the 70 years of Al Nakba, literally Arabic for “catastrophe”. Al Nakba pertains to the 1948 Palestinian exodus, in which more than 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homeland, which virtually became the land of “Independent Israel”. Yesterday’s mass action by the Palestinian people is part of the Great Return March that was started around March this year and will be culminated today.
This merciless display of brute force by the Israeli military on the Palestinian people, emboldened by US imperialism, warrants not only the strongest condemnation from the international community but should be considered as a genocidal act for which the Israeli government and all its supporting imperialist states should be held accountable for.
It adds to the many crimes that the Israeli Zionist government has already committed against the Palestinian people, who have suffered long enough under their fascist and oppressive rule and illegal occupation.
The hands of Donald Trump and his ilk are just as drenched in the blood of the Palestinian people as their murderous Israeli Zionist cohorts. US imperialism has poured military aid to Israel, cut down the funding for the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees, and, recently, violated UN resolutions by proclaiming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and, as if rubbing more salt to the wound, inaugurated the US Embassy there.
The Palestinian people have the right to defend their national sovereignty and dignity. They have the right to regain the land that has been taken away from them and live in a society where there is no occupation, no fascism, and no injustice. They have the right to return.
There is and will be no justice for Palestine and its people until the Israeli Zionist government has been kicked out of Palestinian territory. There is and will be no justice until the Israeli Zionist government, together with its military and cohorts, is punished for their crimes.
Not only should the indiscriminate firing and violent attacks from the Israeli forces on the protesting Palestinians stop. The illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine has got to end as well.
ILPS Hong Kong and Macau express its unconditional support and solidarity with the people of Palestine, their just and legitimate resistance and their demand for liberation. We will join and encourage all our member organizations, networks and all peace-loving people in the region and the world to participate in the ever-growing solidarity movement for the Palestinian people.
Israel, Out of Palestine!
Free Palestine!
Long live the Great Return March!
Long live the Palestinian peoples’ struggle!
Long live international solidarity!
社會主義行動 Socialist Action
Kwok Ka Ki 郭家麒
工黨 LabourParty HK
International League of Peoples Strugge (ILPS) Asia Pacific
International Migrants Alliance (IMA)
International League of Peoples’ Struggle – Hong Kong & Macau (ILPS-HKM)
BAYAN Hong Kong & Macau
Filipino Migrant Workers Union (FMWU)
United Filipinos in Hong Kong (UNIFIL-MIGRANTE-HK)
LIKHA Filipino Migrants Cultural Organisation
Pinatud a Saleng ti Umili (PSU)
Association of Concerned Filipinos (ACFIL)
Filipino Migrants Association (FMA)
Filipino Women Migrant Workers Association (FILWOM)
Promotion of Church People’s Response – Hong Kong (PCPR-HK)
Association of Indonesian Migrant Workers (ATKI)
Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Union (IMWU)
United Indonesians Against Overcharging (PILAR)
Indonesian Migrant Muslim Alliance (GAMMI)